Sabtu, 28 April 2012

FC Barcelona: "Thank You, Pep Guardiola!" a Tribute.

Alright Culés, calm down. We knew this was a possibility.
The world is not ending. Although for some fans, it feels like it is–especially after the past week and a half the team has endured.
None of us wanted this to happen, but we knew this day would come.
First let me start off by saying thank you to FC Barcelona President Sandro Rosell for trying to do everything to keep Pep Guardiola with FC Barcelona. It has been a struggle to keep Pep but I'm happy that Sandro did everything possible to keep Pep pleased and with the club.
Thank you to all the Barcelona players for making the effort to try and convince Pep to stay. Thank you especially to Xavi, Andres Iniesta, and Cesc Fàbregas for their efforts. These three are more attached to Pep than most of the other players and have kept the effort to keep Pep on the Camp Nou bench.
We Culés should be thrilled that Tito Vilanova will be the new manager. He will keep Pep's system going and the players will be happy to have a manager they are familiar with.
No "fin de ciclo." FC Barcelona's winning ways nor playing style is not going to change dramatically. This team will bounce back.
That being said, and with all due respect to Tito, he's no Pep Guardiola. The team will play the same, but Pep's leadership, wisdom, and class can ever be matched.

Pep walks away from FCB.

Let’s focus on Pep.
I’m not going to write about why did this happen or what Rosell, the players, or the media could have done to keep Guardiola as manager of Barcelona. I’m not even going to say that it was the fact that Barcelona was not able to reach the UEFA Champions League Final and win it that is the reason Pep is leaving.
Pep told the world why he is leaving at the press conference Friday morning.
“Every day during four years, the demands are very high, the pressure, the necessary energy to push the players and enjoy it. I need to rest and move away.”
I’m not going to judge Pep and his decision.
I just want to say “Thank you, Pep.”

Thank you for taking our team to heights none of us Culés could have ever imagined.
Thank you for creating a football revolution that will never been seen again.
Thank you for making “tiki-taka” a worldwide term.
Thank you for taking chances with kids from La Masia. If it wasn’t for you, perhaps we wouldn’t have known the great talents of Sergio Busquets, Isaac Cuenca, Cristian Tello, Pedro, and others.

Grande Pep!

Thank you for bringing out the best in Lionel Messi.
Thank you for reminding us that games are dominated in the midfield.
Thank you for mentoring the mids: Xavi, Iniesta, and Fàbregas as well as Thiago.
Thank you for mentoring Tito Vilanova who will now lead El Blaugrana.
Thank you Pep, for the greatest single season in football history (2008-09) with six titles.
Thank you for showing strength in times of disappointment.
Thank you Pep, for showing these other so-called great managers what it is to be classy. You always showed class. You taught your players and even us fans to stay classy as well.
Thank you for showing everyone that you can be just as competitive being calm and classy rather than having to be loud or arrogant.
Thank you for having a smile even after a tough defeat.
Thank you for making the sweater vest look so good.
Thank you for having style.
Thank you for inspiring people.
Thank you for giving us four years of the greatest football we've ever seen.

Gracias Josep!

Thank you for giving us three Liga titles.
Thank you for giving us two UEFA Champions League titles.
Thank you for giving us one team that the world will never forget.
Thank you for bringing us a total of 13 (potentially 14) titles in only four years.
Thank you for making FC Barcelona, Catalunya, and the Camp Nou the place where football magic happens.
Catalunya is your homeland. The Camp Nou is your home. We understand that you need to leave. Just promise us that you will eventually find your way home.
On behalf of all Culés, thank you Josep “Pep” Guardiola, for the memories that will live in the minds and hearts of all Culés forever.

ser del Barça és

Thanks Pep!

el millor que hi ha!

Thank you, Pep Guardiola. We will miss you and no one will ever truly be able to replace you.
You will always have a place in hearts of all Culés.
You will always be a Culé.
You will always be Més Que Un Manager.

Visca el Barça!
Xoel, The Voice of FC Barcelona on Bleacher Report!


Selasa, 24 April 2012

4 Idiots

Perkenalkan, ini sahabat-sahabatku. Yusrotun Nikmah, Nurul Hidayati, dan Roida Saputri.  Kita berempat bersahabat sejak kita kelas 2 SMA. Maklumlah, pas kelas 2 kita sekelas dan duduk berdekatan. Aku duduk sama Nikmah, Nurul sama Roida duduk dibelakangku. Jadi otomatis kita deket. Kedekatan kita nggak berakhir di kelas 2 lhoo.. Meskipun kelas 3 kita nggak sebangku lagi, tapi kita tetep deket. Kalo kita lagi ngumpul, pasti kita bakal ketawa-ketawa. Bercanda ria bersama-sama. Dan gila-gilaan bersama. Nggak hanya bercanda doang, pas lagi serius kita juga bisa serius. Misalnya nih, saling sharing tentang masalah kehidupan atau masa depan. Tentang asmara juga seriiiingg. Hahahahaha..

Pernah nonton film 3-Idiots kan?? Pasti kenal Rancho, Farhan, sama Raju? Nahhh, seperti itulah persahabatan kita. Cuma bedanya mereka bertiga, kita berempat.
Ada lagi.. Pernah nonton Teletubbies nggak?? Itu tuuhh, film anak-anak zamanku SD dulu. Kan ada Tingkiwingky, Dipsy, Lala, Pooh. Seperti itu juga persahabatan kita. Roida sebagai Tingkiwingky, Nurul sebagai Dipsy, Aku sebagai Lala, dan Nikmah sebagai Pooh.

Aku sayang kalian semua!! Aku harap persahabatan kita tetep abadi sampe kita besar nanti yaa :)

Selasa, 17 April 2012

UNAS : 16 - 19 April 2012

Ini adalah kali ke tiga aku jadi peserta Ujian Nasional. Yang pertama, waktu SD dulu. Lanjut pas SMP dan sekarang SMA. UNAS SMA jadi UNAS paling berat. yaiyaalahh.. secara sekolah menengah akhir gitu looohhh :D
UNAS menjadi akhir dari masa SMAku. Selagi masa SMAku belum berakhir, aku akan menjadi yang terbaik disisa waktu SMA ini.
Sekolah tinggal beberapa hari lagi. Huaaaaa....sediiiiihhhhhh T__T
Sudahlah.. sekarang fokus ke UNAS ^_^
Besok UNAS hari ketiga. Waktunya MATEMATIKA.
Doakan UNASku sukses yaa teman-teman. Biar bisa LULUS dengan nilai yang memuaskan.

Aminn (◡‿◡)

Ich Liebe Dich ♡

♡ aku cinta kamu ♡

Jumat, 06 April 2012

Jodoh itu Rahasia ALLAH °◡°

Sekuat apa kita setia..
Selama apa kita menunggu..
Sekeras apa kita bersabar..
Sejujur apa kita menerima kekasih kita..

Jika ALLAH tidak menulis JODOH kita dengan kekasih kita, kita TETAP tidak akan bersamanya.
Think Positive dan terimalah takdir-Nya.

Kerena tulang rusuk dan pemiliknya TAKKAN PERNAH tertukar dan akan bertemu PADA SAATnya.

Insya Allah °◡°