The body temperature of animals
The effect of several factors on the animal's body temperature
The effect of several factors on the animal's body temperature
is the ability of living organisms to maintain body heat as part of a
homeostatic process. Based on its ability to maintain body temperature, animals
can be classified into two, namely:
a. Warm-blooded animals
Animal's body temperature is always constant, unchanging
despite changing environmental temperatures.
b. animals Poikilotherm
b. animals Poikilotherm
The body temperature of animals are always changing along
with the change of temperature (Duke, 1985).
Soesono (1974) in Rasyid (2010), temperature is one of the physical properties
of sea water which can affect the metabolism and growth of aquatic organisms,
besides temperature affects the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water.
According Brotowidjoyo (1995) in Rasyid (2010) Temperature is oceanography parameters of the easiest to learn. Some research shows that fish are very sensitive to changes in temperature, although its value is very small (0,1oC), for example fish telestoi to respond to the changing temperatures of 0,03oC.
According Brotowidjoyo (1995) in Rasyid (2010) Temperature is oceanography parameters of the easiest to learn. Some research shows that fish are very sensitive to changes in temperature, although its value is very small (0,1oC), for example fish telestoi to respond to the changing temperatures of 0,03oC.
the influence of environmental temperature on the temperature of the animals,
the animals were divided into two groups, namely Poikilotherm and homoioterm.
Poikilotherm animals are animals that are highly dependent on the temperature
of the outside environment to raise their body temperature because of the heat
generated from the whole system metabolism only slightly. The body temperature
of animals Poikilotherm influenced by the environment. Internal body
temperature higher than the temperature outside. Animals like this are also
called cold-blooded animals. To deal with very bad weather (too cold or too
hot), animals poikioterm need to conserve energy by hibernation or estivasi
(Guyton, 1995).
homoioterm animals, are animals whose body heat coming from the heat production
in the body, which is a byproduct of the metabolic network. On the other hand
homoioterm animal called warm-blooded animals. Homoioterm animal's body
temperature more stable, it is because the receptors in the brain that can
regulate body temperature. Animals homoioterm typically maintain their body
temperature around 35-40 ° C. Body temperature is a balance between heat gain
from the (metabolic) or outside with heat loss. Animals homoioterm can do
activities at different ambient temperatures due to the ability to regulate
body temperature. Homoioterm animals have normal temperature variations are
influenced by age, gender factors, environmental factors, factors long days and
nights, consumed dietary factors and factors of digestion saturated water.
Regulation of body temperature
(thermoregulation), regulation of body fluids and excretions are elements of
homeostasis. In thermoregulation known a cold-blooded (cold-blood animals) and
warm-blooded animals (warm-blood animals). However, experts use the term
ektoterm Biology and endothermic. The distribution of these groups is based on
the main heat source of the animal's body. Ektoterm animal animals body heat is
coming from the environment (heat absorbing environment). Ektoterm animal body
temperature tends to fluctuate, depending on the ambient temperature. Animals
in this group are members of invertebrates, fish, amphibia, and reptiles. While
animals are endothermic animals body heat derived from the metabolism. The
animal's body temperature more constant. Endothermic common in the group of
birds (Aves) and mammals (Campbell et al, 2004).
thermoregulation centered on the anterior hypothalamus, there are three
components making up the system timer or heat settings, namely termoreseptor,
hypothalamus, and efferent nerves and thermoregulation (Swenson, 1997). The
effect of temperature on the environment, the animals were divided into two
groups, namely Poikilotherm and Warm-blooded. Poikilotherm body temperature is
influenced by the environment. Internal body temperature higher than the
temperature outside. Animals like this are also called cold-blooded animals.
Warm-blooded animals and is often called warm-blooded animals (Duke's, 1985).
It is known that the oxygen uptake of a cold-blooded
animal increases with rising temperature up to a certain maximum which is very
near the thermal deathpoint. Beyond this maximum the oxygen uptake actually
decreases for a very short range of rising temperatures, which indicates that
the temperature is producing adverse effects. Winterstein argues that if the
temperature increases beyond a certain point the oxygen requirements of the
tissues are so high that the oxygen supply becomes inadequate and that death
results from the consequent accumulation of metabolites. (Fraenkel And Herford,
In the Warm-blooded animals are more stable temperature,
this is due to receptors in the brain that can regulate body temperature.
Warm-blooded animals can do activities at different ambient temperatures result
from the ability to regulate body temperature. Warm-blooded animals have a
normal temperature variations are influenced by age, gender factors,
environmental factors, factors the length of time of day and night, consumed
dietary factors and factors of digestion saturated water (Swenson, 1997).
Normal human body temperature is about 37 degrees
Celsius. Body temperature can be changed, for example, human tubule lowest
temperature at 4:00 am; skin surface temperature is cooler than the temperature
inside the body; ate increase the temperature for 1 or 2 hours; Alcohol lowers
the temperature in the body. The temperature of the animal's body is different,
which is between 35.5 degrees Celsius on elephants to about 42.7 degrees on
small birds.
Humans, monkeys, mules, donkeys, horses, mice and
elephants have a body temperature between 35.5 to 38.3 degrees Celsius. Cattle,
sheep, dogs, cats, rabbits and pigs have a body temperature between 37.8 to
39.4 degrees Celsius. Turkeys, geese, ducks, owls, pelicans and vultures have a
body temperature of between 40 to 41.1 degrees Celsius. While wild birds,
pigeons, and a few small birds generally have a body temperature between 41.6
to 42.7 degrees Celsius.
Chickens are homeotermik or chicken body temperature
relatively stable in a certain range is 40-41oC. But at the age of 0-5 days,
the chicken still can not regulate their own body temperature. Chickens can
only regulate their body temperature optimally since the age of 2 weeks. In
addition to temperature, humidity (moisture in the air bound) is also
noteworthy because the moisture will affect the temperature of the chicken.
This is due to the body heat expenditure chicken is done (Carrascal, 2001).
Ektotermik and endothermic animals maintain a temperature of body by combining four general categories of adaptation, namely:
Ektotermik and endothermic animals maintain a temperature of body by combining four general categories of adaptation, namely:
1. Adjustment of the rate of heat exchange between the
animal with him.
The insulation of the body such as hair, feathers, fat just beneath the skin to reduce heat loss. This adjustment consists of several mechanisms, including
a. endothermic animals change the amount of blood flow to the skin based on the surrounding temperature. For example in cold temperatures, the endothermic animals will shrink the diameter of blood vessels (vasoconstriction) resulting in decreased blood flow, whereas in the summer of endothermic animals will raise blood vessel diameter (vasodilitasi) resulting in increased blood flow.
The insulation of the body such as hair, feathers, fat just beneath the skin to reduce heat loss. This adjustment consists of several mechanisms, including
a. endothermic animals change the amount of blood flow to the skin based on the surrounding temperature. For example in cold temperatures, the endothermic animals will shrink the diameter of blood vessels (vasoconstriction) resulting in decreased blood flow, whereas in the summer of endothermic animals will raise blood vessel diameter (vasodilitasi) resulting in increased blood flow.
b. Setting the arteries and veins called a countercurrent
heat exchanger (countercurrent heat exchanger). Countercurrent setting allows
the transfer of heat from the arteries to the veins along the blood vessels
2. Cooling by evaporative heat loss.
Endothermic and ektotermik terrestrial animals lose water
through breathing and through the skin. If the humidity is low enough, the
water will evaporate and the animal will lose heat by cooling through
evaporation. Evaporation of the respiratory system can be improved by means of
hoops (sticks tongue out). Cooling through evaporation on the skin can be
improved by wading or sweating
3. Response behavior.
Many animals can increase or decrease the heat loss of
the body by way of the move. They will bask in the sun or on hot stones during
the winter, find a cool, moist, or go into a hole in the ground in the summer,
and even migrate to a more suitable environment.
4. The conversion rate of metabolic heat production.
4. The conversion rate of metabolic heat production.
Categories adjustment is only valid for endothermic
animals, particularly birds and mammals. Endothermic animals will increase
metabolic heat production as much as two or three-fold when exposed to cold
conditions (Campbell, 2004).
The hypothalamus is a very sensitive part, which is the
main integration center to maintain energy balance and body temperature. The
hypothalamus serves as the body's thermostat, to receive information from
various parts of the body in the skin. Coordinated adjustment mechanism is very
complicated in addition and subtraction as appropriate temperatures for core
temperature mengorekasi any deviation from the normal reference values. The
hypothalamus is able to respond to temperature changes as small blood 0,01ÂșC
(Sherwood, 1996).
The hypothalamus constantly receive information about skin temperature and core temperature through specific receptors that are sensitive to temperature called termoreseptor (warm receptors, cold and pain in the periphery). Receptor is very active temperature during temperature changes. Primary temperature sensation adapted very quickly. Core temperature is monitored by a central termoreseptor located in the hypothalamus and in the central nervous system and organs of the abdomen (Sherwood, 1996).
The hypothalamus serves as the body's thermostat. The
hypothalamus as the central integration of thermoregulation of the body,
receiving afferent information about the temperature in different parts of the
body and initiate coordinated adjustments are very complicated in the mechanism
of heat addition or subtraction as appropriate to correct any deviation from
the core temperature "normal standard". The hypothalamus is able to
respond to changes in blood temperature as small as 0.01 0C. the level of the
hypothalamus in response to deviations in body temperature adjusted very
carefully, so that the heat generated or released is in accordance with the
need to restore to normal temperature (Isnaeni, 2006).
To make adjustments to a balance between the reduction
mechanism and the mechanism of heat addition and heat conservation, the
hypothalamus must continually mandapat information about skin temperature and
core temperature through special receptors called termoreseptor temperature
sensitive. Termoreseptor peripheral skin temperature monitoring throughout the
body and distribute information about changes to the surface temperature of the
hypothalamus. Termoreseptor core temperature monitored by a central, located in
the hypothalamus itself and elsewhere in the central nervous system and organs
of the abdomen (Isnaeni, 2006).
There are two centers in the hypothalamus temperature
setting. The posterior region is activated by cold temperatures and then memici
reflex-mediated reflex heat production and heat conservation. Anterior region,
which mediates the reduction of heat (Sherwood, 1996).
and Materials
· Tools
1. Thermometer
2. Scale
· Materials :
1. Adult hen
2. Child hen
3. Adult cock
4. Child cock
Working Procedures
chicken body themperature
The influence of the body movement in
chicken body
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VI. Pembahasan
Praktikum ini yaitu suhu tubuh hewan,
yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi suhu
tubuh hewan. Bahan yang digunakan pada praktikum ini adalah ayam (betina dan
jantan; dewasa, remaja dan anak-anak). Pada praktikum ini menggunakan dua
perlakuan yaitu mengetahui suhu saat pergerakan dan perlakuan perendaman
didalam air terhadap suhu tubuh hewan.
Sebelum melakukan percobaan tersebut, pertama yang
dilakukan adalah menimbang ayam terlebih dahulu. Setelah itu mengukur suhu awal
dengan menggunakan termometer alkohol raksa yang dimasukkan ke dalam kloaka
selama 5 menit, sebelum dimasukkan ke kloaka air raksa diturunkan suhunya
terlebih dahulu. Kemudian mencatat suhu tubuh tanpa perlakuan didalam tabel
yang telah disediakan. Perlakuan selanjutnya yaitu mengusahakan ayam tersebut
lari dan bertebrangan selama 5 menit, kemudian mengukur kembali suhunya dan
dicatat dalam tabel yang dilakukan sebanyak 3 kali perulangan. Perlakuan yang
terakhir yaitu merendam tubuh ayam kedalam air selama 5 menit, kemudian
mengukur kembali suhunya dengan termometer dan dicatat dalam tabel yang
dilakukan sebanyak 3 kali perulangan.
Berdasarkan hasil penhasil yang diperoleh dari
percobaan yang dilakukan adalah sebagai berikut;
Pada kelompok 1 dengan menggunakan hewan coba ayam
jantan dewasa, suhu awalnya adalah >420C
dengan berat badan 2 kg. Pada perlakuan gerakan (dengan lari-lari), pada menit
ke-5 diperoleh suhu sebesar >420C, pada menit ke-10 diperoleh suhu sebesar >420C, pada
menit ke-15 diperoleh suhu sebesar >420C.
untuk perlakuan perendaman, pada menit ke-5diperoleh suhu sebesar 35,50C,
pada menit ke-10 diperoleh suhu sebesar 35,50C,
pada menit ke-15 diperoleh suhu sebesar
35,50C. Jika dibandingkan dengan teori, hasil yang diperoleh kelompok
1, sudah sesuai. Semakin banyak aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh ayam, maka
semakin tinggi suhu yang dihasilkan oleh tubuhnya. Sedangkan semakin lama ayam
tersebut direndam didalam air, maka suhu tubuhnya akan semakin menurun.
Pada kelompok 2, dengan menggunakan hewan coba ayam
betina dewasa, suhu awalnya adalah
>420C dengan berat badan 1,25 kg. Pada perlakuan gerakan (dengan lari-lari),
pada menit ke-5diperoleh suhu sebesar >420C, pada menit ke-10 diperoleh suhu sebesar >420C, pada
menit ke-15 diperoleh suhu sebesar
>41,50C. untuk perlakuan perendaman, pada menit ke-5diperoleh
suhu sebesar 400C, pada menit ke-10 diperoleh suhu sebesar 350C, pada
menit ke-15 diperoleh suhu sebesar 350C.
Dari hasil yang diperoleh kelompok
tersebut kurang sesuai dengan teori, karena suhu tubuh ayam tidak meningkat
dengan semakin banyaknya gerakan yang dilakukan oleh ayam tersebut, yakni pada
menit ke-5 dan 10 diperoleh suhu sebesar >420C dan pada menit
ke-15 diperoleh suhu sebesar 41,50C.
Kesalahan yang terjadi pada hasil pengamatan kelompok 2 dapat dikarenakan
aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh ayam tidak sebanyak yang dilakukan pada awal
percobaan, sehingga suhu tubuh ayam akan menurun. Sedangkan pada perlakuan
dengan perendaman, kemungkinan kesalahan terjadi karena perendaman tubuh ayam
tidak seluruhnya sehingga suhu tubuh hewan tersebut tidak berubah secara
signifikan. Kesalahan yang lainnya terjadi karena kesalahan dalam membaca skala
pada termometer alkoholnya.
Pada kelompok 3, dengan menggunakan hewan coba anak
ayam jantan, suhu awalnya adalah 41,50C dengan berat badan 0,5 kg. Pada
perlakuan gerakan (dengan lari-lari), pada menit ke-5 diperoleh suhu sebesar
41,50C, pada menit ke-10 diperoleh suhu sebesar 41,70C, pada
menit ke-15 diperoleh suhu sebesar 41,30C.
untuk perlakuan perendaman, pada menit ke-5 diperoleh suhu sebesar 35,20C,
pada menit ke-10 diperoleh suhu sebesar
350C, pada menit ke-15 diperoleh suhu sebesar 350C. Dari
hasil yang diperoleh, tidak sesuai dengan teori. Hal ini mungkin terjadi pada
saat praktikum, ayam tidak melakukan banyak aktivitas jika dibandingkan dengan
pergerakan aktivitas 10 menit pertama, akibatnya suhu turun. Selain itu juga
terjadi karena kesalahan praktikan dalam membaca skala pada termometer. Pada
perlakuan dengan merendam ayam pada air, hasil yang diperoleh sudah sesuai
dengan teori, karena semakin lama ayam tersebut direndam, maka semakin turun
suhu tubuh hewan tersebut.
Pada kelompok 4, dengan menggunakan hewan coba anak
ayam betina, Suhu awal yang diperoleh sebesar >420C dengan berat
badan 0,4 kg. Untuk perlakuan dengan gerakan (lari-lari), pada menit ke-5 diperoleh
suhu sebesar >420C, pada menit ke-10 diperoleh suhu sebesar 41,50C, pada
menit ke-15 diperoleh suhu sebesar 420C.
untuk perlakuan perendaman, pada menit ke-5 diperoleh suhu sebesar 37,80C,
pada menit ke-10 diperoleh suhu sebesar
35,80C, pada menit ke-15 diperoleh suhu sebesar 35,30C. Dari
hasil yang diperoleh kelompok 4 tersebut kurang sesuai dengan teori, karena
suhu tubuh ayam tidak meningkat dengan semakin banyaknya gerakan yang dilakukan
oleh ayam tersebut. Kesalahan yang terjadi pada hasil pengamatan kelompok 4
dapat dikarenakan aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh ayam tidak sebanyak yang
dilakukan pada awal percobaan, sehingga suhu tubuh ayam akan menurun.
Dari percobaan yang dilakukan, faktor-faktor
pembanding yang digunakan adalah umur, jenis kelamin, berat badan, aktivitas
tubuh dan pengaruh lingkungan.
semakin tua umur suatu hewan maka semakin tinggi suhu tubuhnya. Berdasarkan
hasil percobaan yang dilakukan mengenai pengaruh umur, menunjukkan bahwa suhu
tubuh ayam anak-anak lebih tinggi dibandingkan suhu tubuh ayam dewasa. Hal ini
berarti, hasil pengamatan tidak sesuai dengan dasar teori yang ada. Sebenarnya,
umur tidak begitu berpengaruh terhadap suhu tubuh hewan, tetapi tergantung dari
besarnya aktivitas dari hewan tersebut.
kelamin, hewan jantan dan hewan betina memiliki suhu yang
berbeda. Berdasarkan sistem hormonalnya, suhu tubuh hewan jantan lebih tinggi dibandingkan
hewan betina. Pada kelompok 1 dan 2 yang menggunakan ayam dewasa, hasil
perhitungan suhu pada ayam betina (kelompok 2) lebih tinggi dibandingkan suhu
ayam jantan (kelompok 1). Hal ini berarti pada pengamatan kelompok 1 dan 2
belum sesuai dengan teori. Sedangkan pada kelompok 3 dan 4 yang menggunakan
ayam remaja dan kelompok 5 dan 6 yang menggunakan ayam anak-anak, hasil
pengukuran suhu tubuh ayam sesuai dengan teori yakni suhu tubuh ayam betina
lebih rendah dibandingkan ayam jantan.
badan, berat badan dapat mempengaruhi proses metabolisme
dalam tubuh hewan. Semakin berat tubuh suatu hewan maka proses metabolismenya
juga semakin tinggi, hal ini menyebabkan peningkatan terhadap suhu tubuh hewan.
tubuh, Aktivitas tubuh selain merangsang peningkatan laju
metabolisme, mengakibatkan gesekan antar komponen otot/organ yang menghasilkan
energi termal. Latihan (aktivitas) dapat meningkatkan suhu tubuh hingga
38,3-40,0 °C.
suhu tubuh
dapat mengalami pertukaran dengan lingkungan, artinya panas tubuh dapat hilang
atau berkurang akibat lingkungan yang lebih dingin. Begitu juga sebaliknya,
suhu tubuh dapat meningkat akibat lingkungan yang panas.
Faktor-faktor lain yang juga
berpengaruh terhadap suhu tubuh hewan, antara lain :
metabolisme basal
Kecepatan metabolisme basal tiap individu
berbeda-beda. Hal ini memberi dampak jumlah panas yang diproduksi tubuh menjadi
berbeda pula, sangat terkait dengan laju metabolisme.
saraf simpatis
Rangsangan saraf simpatis dapat menyebabkan kecepatan
metabolisme menjadi 100% lebih cepat.
Hormone pertumbuhan ( growth hormone )
dapat menyebabkan peningkatan kecepatan metabolisme sebesar 15-20%. Akibatnya,
produksi panas tubuh juga meningkat.
Fungsi tiroksin adalah meningkatkan aktivitas hampir
semua reaksi kimia dalam tubuh sehingga peningkatan kadar tiroksin dapat
mempengaruhi laju metabolisme menjadi 50-100% diatas normal.
Hormone kelamin jantan dapat meningkatkan kecepatan metabolisme
basal kira-kira 10-15% kecepatan normal, menyebabkan peningkatan produksi
panas. Pada betina, fluktuasi suhu lebih bervariasi dari pada laki-laki karena
pengeluaran hormone progesterone pada masa ovulasi meningkatkan suhu tubuh
sekitar 0,3-0,6°C di atas suhu basal.
Proses peradangan dan demam dapat menyebabkan
peningkatan metabolisme sebesar 120% untuk tiap peningkatan suhu 10°C.
Status gizi
dan Gangguan organ
Mal nutrisi yang cukup lama dapat menurunkan kecepatan
metabolisme 20-30%. Sedangkan kerusakan organ seperti trauma atau keganasan
pada hipotalamus, dapat menyebabkan mekanisme regulasi suhu tubuh mengalami
that influence the animal's body temperature, among others:
The basal metabolic rate
Stimulation of the sympathetic nervous
growth hormone
thyroid hormone
sex hormone
Fever (inflammation)
Nutritional status and organ Disorders
The experiment should be done carefully to avoid
mistakes. At the time of reading the thermometer scale slipshod possibility
that affect the body temperature of the animal derived, other than that when
treated in order to move the chicken, not chicken possibility that movement
causes the body temperature to rise. Immersion dyeing process is not entirely a
chicken's body causes the body temperature of chicken tibak changed
drastically. At the time of the execution of the experiment, the assistant
should accompany that the error can be minimized.
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of Zoology and Applied Entomology, Imperial College of Science and Technology,
London, S.W.7
Guyton, D.C. 1995. Fisiologi Hewan, edisi 2. Jakarta: EGC.
Isnaeni, Wiwi. 2006. Fisiologi
Hewan. Bandung: PT. Rineka Cipta.
Rasyid, Abd. 2010. Surface Temperature Distribution in West-East
Transition Season Related to Small Pelagic Fish Fishing Ground in Spermonde
Waters. Torani (Jurnal Ilmu
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Lauralee. 1996. Fisiologi Manusia. Jakarta: ECG.
Swenson, GM. 1997. Dules Physiology or Domestic Animals. USA:
Publishing Co. Inc.
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